Articles written by our coaches, experts and wider team. Each written with women facing the many challenges of menopause in mind. If you see content that resonates with you, get in touch with us to learn about our 1:1 coaching options.

menopause, weight gain loss Melanie White menopause, weight gain loss Melanie White

Navigating Menopause: Why Weight Gain Happens and Practical Tips to Manage It

Menopause is a major transition that brings more than just hormonal shifts—it can impact many parts of a woman’s body and lifestyle, sometimes leading to weight gain. This isn’t just due to one factor but often a combination of changes in hormones, stress, sleep, and activity levels. Here’s a look at why weight gain can occur during peri and post-menopause and some practical things you can do about it.

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menopause, weight gain loss Dr. Lydia Altini menopause, weight gain loss Dr. Lydia Altini

From Reflection to Empowerment: Navigating Midlife and Menopause

The 26th Australasian Menopause Congress brought together health professionals from many different disciplines to hear about the latest advances in this field. This article highlights just two of the many topics that were covered and shares a few key resources with you, which you can use as valuable tools when seeking evidence-based knowledge and support.

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menopause, anxiety and stress Rebecca Hannan menopause, anxiety and stress Rebecca Hannan

Menopause and Burnout: Exploring the Link Between Menopause and Burnout

Menopause can have a significant impact on how women perceive their work performance. Women who used to feel confident may now experience decreased productivity or a change in their work experience. Symptoms such as fatigue, memory issues, and anxiety are common, which can affect their professional lives. Shockingly, almost a third of these women report that the impact is significant.

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menopause, weight gain loss Amanda Mannes menopause, weight gain loss Amanda Mannes

How prioritising protein intake can help you lose weight during menopause

Are you eating the same but have noticed menopausal weight gain? Maybe you’ve reduced your serving sizes but it didn’t work. What if you could drop a dress size by eating more protein? This article helps you understand how a high protein intake in menopause can help you to fit back into your favourite clothes.

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menopause, weight gain loss Dr. Lydia Altini menopause, weight gain loss Dr. Lydia Altini

Improving hot flash symptoms with your diet? Yes!

Is it really possible to relieve bothersome hot flashes by simply changing your diet? I admit, I am totally hooked on the power of nutrition, especially having experienced first-hand its potent therapeutic force. So, when I experienced my first few hot flashes and night sweats, it was no surprise I looked to food first to help ease me through this next phase of my life.

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4 Mindfulness Practices for Menopausal Women Struggling with Anxiety

Has anxiety become a big deal for you as you approach menopause? It can be challenging to find calm with a mental storm raging. Maybe you catch yourself shallow breathing, or holding your breath, or struggling with a racing mind or heart. If this is you, here are four mindfulness practices that can help you to manage anxiety during menopause.

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