Articles written by our coaches, experts and wider team. Each written with women facing the many challenges of menopause in mind. If you see content that resonates with you, get in touch with us to learn about our 1:1 coaching options.
Accepting and Coping with Menopause Anxiety: A Personal Journey
Ever feel like you can’t cope with life’s challenges the way you used to? Are you crippled by endless worrying and constantly scanning for danger? If you are a woman in her forties or fifties you could be experiencing anxiety in menopause.
What Is A Hot Flush or Hot Flash?
Have you ever felt like your body suddenly turned up the thermostat, causing your skin to flush and your heart to race? If so, you may have experienced a hot flush, a common symptom of menopause that affects millions of women worldwide.
Hot flash or night sweat? What's the difference?
Menopause is just about hot flashes and no periods, right? Not quite. Night sweats are a common condition in menopause and can feel different to hot flushes. This article explores these differences and gives you some options for dealing with these conditions.
Work with our coaches
We offer a variety of menopause coaching options. Get one on one advice for life’s challenges, or take advantage of our corporate group rates.