Articles written by our coaches, experts and wider team. Each written with women facing the many challenges of menopause in mind. If you see content that resonates with you, get in touch with us to learn about our 1:1 coaching options.
The Gender Code In Menopause with Danielle Dobson
Award-winning author Danielle Dobson talks about her book “The Gender Code”, how the code plays into menopause, and what we need to do about it.
What’s the True Cost of Menopause? Navigating the Financial Wellbeing Challenges of Perimenopause and Menopause in Australia
Menopause is a natural phase of a woman's life, marking the end of her reproductive years. While it's a significant transition, it often comes with various challenges, both physical and emotional.
From Reflection to Empowerment: Navigating Midlife and Menopause
The 26th Australasian Menopause Congress brought together health professionals from many different disciplines to hear about the latest advances in this field. This article highlights just two of the many topics that were covered and shares a few key resources with you, which you can use as valuable tools when seeking evidence-based knowledge and support.
Menopause weight gain: how to regain your confidence
While research suggests that the average weight gain during menopause is around 2 - 4 kg, many women I speak to share a different story. Not only have they gained considerably more weight but their body shape has also changed significantly and it all seemed to happen overnight!
Work with our coaches
We offer a variety of menopause coaching options. Get one on one advice for life’s challenges, or take advantage of our corporate group rates.