Articles written by our coaches, experts and wider team. Each written with women facing the many challenges of menopause in mind. If you see content that resonates with you, get in touch with us to learn about our 1:1 coaching options.
Yes, you CAN get fit and shine while hot flushing. This is how.
I love exercise. It fills my cup. It makes me feel energised, powerful, strong and happy. Endorphins are my superpower. I’m inspired by the old ladies rocking it at my gym; all power to them and I want to be part of their tribe. I swear I’m going to die with weights in my hands.
Best Exercises for Menopause Belly: Ditch the Doughnuts, Embrace the Dog Walk (For Warriors, Not Warlords)
Let's face it, ladies: the "menopause belly" is real. And it can feel like a betrayal, this burgeoning belly replacing your formerly flat (or at least flatter) midsection.
Work with our coaches
We offer a variety of menopause coaching options. Get one on one advice for life’s challenges, or take advantage of our corporate group rates.